Keri Berry in Summer Vacation


Keri Berry in Summer Vacation

Enjoy a real couple on a romantic getaway. Completely candid and containing absolutely no custom material, this is us just having fun and doing as we please. Lots of solo outdoor nudity, a solo bad dragon bathtub session, and two full boy/girl sex scenes, both with a THICC creampie. I put it all into one video here because I had a campaign on Onlyfans for this vacation, and this price will pay respect to those who contributed. I also think this is an appropriate price tier for the material in the video- so it’s all good. ?? Be sure to subscribe to my OF to see a lot of casual content you can’t see here!

Format: mp4
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Duratio: 00:21:12
Size: 4762 Mb

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