Macy and Janine are inside getting ready to head out onto a stage and compete in the bikini contest. While the girls are behind the scenes they start trash talking each other, Macy in her yellow bikini telling Janine how she is going to win. When Janine talks back, Macy gets mad and wedgies Janine. Janine falls over from the wedgies as Macy laughs but Janine isn’t just going to take it and she wedgies Mac back, leading to an all out wedgie fight. These girl wedgie each other front and back, forgetting all about the contest and missing their call time.
Andi Page – Scared Of Her Legs
Andi Page takes Billie’s back and hurts him right away in beating him here. Straight headscissors as the weaker guy tries prying at her ankles. Straight headscissors into figure four headscissors as Andi scares him tapping; she laughs as he locks his jaw up and makes him sick from the pressure of her straight headscissors. He gags in her headscissors before she nearly breaks his ribs in her bodyscissors. He shakes on his knees in front of her and she throws him into her standing headscissors — like two columns crushing his neck. Andi pulls him up into a painful camel clutch using his arms to choke him and dropping him. Front headscissors make him scream and turn him purple as he suffers high in her legs. His head seems almost to disappear in her side headscissors — rear bodyscissors steal his air — throatscissors — reverse headscissors turn him purple as she pours the pressure on, her legs owning him here.
Sara Lips Vs Niko – Sara Lips Sadistic Scissor Beatdown
Sara puts on a display of her leg & wrestling moves by using long excruciating scissorholds and foot chokes before transitioning to another hold /move on helpless Niko. Add in groin hits as humiliation throughout.
Niko tries to hold out as long as possible in each move but Sara just prolongs his suffering. How long can she can make him suffer before Niko submits / taps? Sara makes Niko suffer in foot chokes, ankle chokes, shin chokes, headscissors, reverse headscissors, figure four headscissors, crotch coke, rear naked chokes, triangle choke and body scissors. Sara ends with body worship before putting Niko away one last time while he begs for mercy being squeezed between her powerful legs.