Gas Guzzler Part 2
*Custom Request
(This will start in 3rdperson) Your now walking back to the box of the shrunken guy that could not move. He fell asl**p from all the new sensations of putting the gag on. You then go into the box and pick him up again, and hold him back to your face.
(Switch to 1stperson) You tease him about how he looks well rested, and notice he is probably squirming from your breathe. Also wondering what it feels like to be in his position. You can also add other lines in here.
(Switch to 3rdperson for the rest of the script) You now are sitting on your bed holding him in your hand, and tell him that you just went to (You can pick the resteraunt), and it gave you some gas.
“Although you are a gas guzzler now, so this would be a good time to test it out.”
Gas Guzzler Part 1
*Custom Request
Script: You or your character is coming back from your local mall where you picked up a new aged sex toy. Dressed in some jeans and a top that matches, you walk into your house with a big smile on your face, because you could not wait to test out your new purchase. You talk a bit while you are walking over to a table to begin opening some kind of package. With a good expression you saw in the package was a shrunken man, tied/ taped up shrunken about a cm tall. You take no time bringing him up to your face.
“Oh my the box art really did have a good picture. Hey little man, how are you doing? Well you look so cute wrapped up.”
For right now you could hear his screams as he had no idea what was about to happen, and why he was so small. That however did not stop you from teasing him.
“Well I am very excited I picked you up today, because your services will be much needed. I cannot believe I got my hands on one of the hottest sex toys on the market, and you are going to fulfill your job nicely. It’s okay to be a little afraid you do not know me after all.”
You then decide to start reading out loud your purchase ticket, and a little bit information about the company and what his duty is supposed to be.