Giantess Squashes You Between Her Tits

Claudia can’t get this bra to sit comfortably. She fidgets with it, pulling at the edges, trying to work out if she forgot to cut the tag out of this one. Eventually, she finds out what’s wrong – there’s a tiny little man in her bra. Another one! She sighs. Why do these tiny little men keep trying to invade her house? Haven’t they learned it is a bad idea to mess with a Giantess. She smiles evilly. “If you want to be close to my tits, I guess I’ll give you what you want.” she says, as she presses the tiny little man between her tits as tightly as she possibly can.
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Panty Thief Revenge

Well well well, I bet this is more than you bargained for when you stole my panties off the washing line, isn’t it? For some reason no one expects the pretty girl next door to be a physics student. As it happens you wandered into my backyard and pissed me off at the perfect time for me and the worst possible moment for you. You see, I’m working on some experiments right now, about the properties of living matter and the feasibility of shrinking it down. Contentious, but very interesting. As you can tell, I’ve perfected the shrinking – you’re barely an inch tall now and I’m towering over you. I haven’t been able to reverse the procedure though so I’m afraid your punishment for stealing my lingerie is to be stuck this size for good!
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