The Tiniest Thing In The World

Dakota found you in her living room and can’t get over how tiny you are. She towers over you as she leers at how very very small you are. She shows off her giantess body as she undresses to show off her giant ass and pussy. Dakota mocks you about your inability to please any true giant girl then tires of you steps on you with her giant foot.
The Tiniest Thing In The World 2

Completely Squashed

You thought it would be funny to annoy Indica until she invites you over and you meet her Amazion friend Sablique. You get blown a kiss and become a tiny specimen. They taunt you until they decide to end you part by part.
Completely Squashed 13


Giantess invites u home but she has an evil plan: she is going to eat you between two cheese slices! And before that she gives u a hand job so her meal is happier
Cheese-You-Cheese 26