Foot Focused Q&a On Shrinking Fetish

Casual q&a on shrinking fetish. What it might be like to stand on men, squashing them under my small feet. Lots of questions with honest answers. Close up feet in view throughout.
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The Young Guy Will Never Forget Ina´s Power

A young guy has taken the opportunity to meet his heroine, Ina Black. He wants to meet her in person and probably thinks he might have a slight chance after all. But he hasn´t even time to reflect one second before Ina is on him again. She scissors him, face sits him, puts him in locks impossible to open up. The tempo seems to be the problem for him because when Ina releases him and he tries to recover she is on him again. Not only is Ina a powerhouse with tons of experience, she also enjoys every moment to humiliate a man. Besides a young guy like him is probably quite sure that he will somehow get away with a fair match, where he, at least does not lose his face. But after this demonstration from Ina he knows that it hurts both physically and mentally to face her. He loses his face in more than one sense because more often than not his face has to bear the full weight of Ina, and that might be nice for some time, but not when your ability to breathe is blocked for more than 30 seconds. Then you just automatically tap desperately.

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Property Giant And Her Minion Men

Ashley has arrived at one of her new properties hoping to find her taskforce hard at work, ready to expand her luxury property portfolio. When she arrives she is extremely angry to find no one on site, and she stomps around looking for her workers, blissfully unaware her gorgeous stiletto heels nearly crush them in her path!
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This Is My Beach

Giantess Daniela is at the beach. This statuesque Giant explains to you, the little person, why you must not trespass on HER BEACH. She even makes a point of demonstrating what will happen to you, should you fail to heed her warning.
Stomping with her HUGE BARE FEET, sitting on you with her COLOSSAL SIZED ASS. She even EATS on of them to make her point. You might decide to risk it and luck out. Maybe she’ll be in a good mood and leave you be. But chances are that if you end up on her beach, you will never see another sunrise.
You’ve been warned.
Special effects and immersive audio
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