Shrinking My Pervy Brother

I ask my big bro for a foot rub to ease some tension but the perv can’t help but look up my skirt! The more aroused he gets the smaller he becomes.. right up until I can fit him in the palm of my hand. I let him explore my giant body before tucking him away somewhere nice and safe.. he can keep an eye on my dirty panties while we wait for him to grow back to full size because.. well.. who would get turned on by their little sisters dirty panties right?
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Mommy Has A Shrunken Son

You didn’t do what I asked. I gave you one, simple task. To write down the release form with what your wishes are in case you get the shrinking virus. Several students from your school have been shrunken down from this virus. But you didn’t take it seriously. And you wrote pussy as your residence? What they hell am I supposed to do with that? Oh well. I guess your new home is just going to have to be Mommy’s pussy. I hope your happy in there. You brought this on your self.
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