Magical Shrinking Cheating Husband Vore W/ Raquel & Sydney

Sisters Raquel Roper and Sydne Screams share everything together.. It’s a wonder Sydney’s husband was too dense to realize that.. He’s been prowling around on the town, being unfaithful, cheating on Sydney.. and even had the audacity to try to put the moves on her very own step-sister Raquel. "It’s all good.." Sydney exclaims.. "..I’ve known for a while and have the perfect remedy to rectify his behavior.." She pulls out a fresh stick of BLACK lipstick, but this isn’t just any lipstick.. it’s MAGIC.. Sydney explains to Raquel that with every kiss she lays on his lips with this black magic lipstick her unfaithful husband will SHRINK smaller and smaller.. and they as two giantesses can have their way with him, putting him in his place until he’s SO small they can swallow him up with just one little GULP! "Shhh… he’s coming!" Sydney slaps a coat on seductively in front of him (POV), "..honey, don’t you love my new lipstick?! Come closer so I can give you a little kiss after a long hard day at.. work…" With just one pucker up he shrinks before their eyes, almost vanishing in the bed sheets.. toying with him, kiss after kiss, shrinking smaller and smaller, chomping their teeth, licking their lips.. He’s (you) eventually SO small… with Sydney’s black lips around him… he’s GONE.. FOREVER…
Magical Shrinking Cheating Husband Vore W/ Raquel & Sydney 2

Vika In Reluctant Giantess

Story: The model plays a woman who mysteriously became enormous and is hiding from the army that is hunting her down. She should initially be very playful/nice to the people in the city so they don’t call the army, but eventually get annoyed when the military arrives and launches a surprise attack. She should then enjoy easily wiping them out (to her own surprise), and decide to have fun/get payback with the town by stepping on cars/eating people and ultimately leveling it.
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