I have a little tiny fan in and he only wants ONE THING… To be SMUSHED and CRUSHED under my BIG FAT BUTT! I let him know how NERVOUS I AM to sit on him with my full weight, my butt is BIGGER than his entire body! I feel like if I sit down too hard, I might COMPLETELY SMUSH HIM. The guy BEGS me to please make his wish come true so I agree, but I tell him, I am going to sit GENTLY and not with my full weight! I give him ONE CHANCE to back out before I sit down and CRUSH HIM with my BIG SWEATY BUM! After a minute I get up and check on him only to find that he is COMPLETELY FINE!
So I get a bit more comfortable as I sit down AGAIN but this time with
Eaten Whole
I’m a hungry giantess Goddess and you are on the menu today, little bug boy. I’m going to take my time, teasing you with my tall, statuesque body and making you tremble in fear before me. Just with you think you might be able to run away, I will pluck your puny body up from the ground, letting you dangle from my fingertips over my open, cavernous mouth. I lick my lips and tell you that I can’t wait anymore! You smell so yummy I just have to eat you! Then it’s strait down the hatch and into the pink depths of my belly. What a delicious treat!