Eaten Whole
I’m a hungry giantess Goddess and you are on the menu today, little bug boy. I’m going to take my time, teasing you with my tall, statuesque body and making you tremble in fear before me. Just with you think you might be able to run away, I will pluck your puny body up from the ground, letting you dangle from my fingertips over my open, cavernous mouth. I lick my lips and tell you that I can’t wait anymore! You smell so yummy I just have to eat you! Then it’s strait down the hatch and into the pink depths of my belly. What a delicious treat!
Giantess Melanie Gives Joi To Her Little Slave
Hello there little slave
It seems I m feeling generous and sweet once again so I’ve decided it would be fun to give you some hot and fun JOI session, yes, I am gonna tell you how to play with your tiny little slave dick until you cum all over for Giantess Melanie
Also, you better follow my instructions perfectly otherwise you will get punished…
Follow my instructions and I can assure you will explode like a volcano ha ha ha ( well, that ‘s if I let you cum.. I m not quite sure yet but you will find out at the end of the video)
Pov Shrunken Into Diapers
Dacey stands at the counter carefully measuring out each ingredients into the glass. Satisfied with her concoction smiling devilishly she says "Perfect! Let’s see him pick on me now." A few minutes later you walk in the kitchen to see what Dacey is up to.
Towering over her, she looks up to you and begins to shyly stutter as she attempts to stand up for herself. She’s tired of being bullied and she won’t be taking it anymore! She’s going to teach you a lesson. Just then Dacey gulps down her special concoction. As soon as she gets it all down you can instantly hear her Growing larger. Dacey starts Growing Taller and you can hear her muscles Stretch as they Grow Bigger and Bigger. What ever Dacey just drank made her three feet taller than you. Startled by the transformation you try to back up but Dacey has you cornered. "Oh no your not going anywhere!" As you try to get away from her Dacey grabs you and throws you over her knee and begins spanking your ass until you cry. While you’re crying and trying to wiggle free from Dacey Strong grasp she can only laugh at your feeble attempts to break free. As Dacey is spanking you she starts imagine all the fun ways she’s going to torment you. Spankings, shoving a pacifier in your mouth or maybe even putting you into Diapers!
In the middle of the spanking Dacey exclaims "oh no, the potion is wearing off" Suddenly you hear you hear Dacey start to deflate as she panics and shrinks back down to her normal size. Towering over Dacey again you angerly demand she makes the potion again for you but this time you want it to work permanently. Frightened Dacey tries to say she can’t remember what exactly she used to make the potion until you threaten her with the same Spanking she gave you. Afraid, Dacey timidly turns back to her ingredients and agrees to make the potion for you with shaking hands.