Panty Overload
Alicia and Dolly have just walked in on you with all their panties which you have stolen, and as their new flatmate, this probably isn’t the best way to make a good first impression. But instead of kicking you out, they’d rather try and get your perversion for their panties out of your system by teasing you with the panties they already have on, giving you a panty overload!
Goddesses Violeta, Manuela And Veronica – Trio Make Footjob And Slave Receives Cum Kiss
Goddesses Violeta, Manuela and Veronica have total control on the foot freak. They know he is just a toy for dominant and sexy women like them. A toy to be taunted, humiliated and drained. Veronica, Manuela and Violeta have a blast stroking the dick of the slave while humiliating and teasing him. In the final part Goddess Violeta uses her pretty right foot to make him explode then Goddess Veronica takes the hot cum and swallows it to finally give a cum kiss to the lucky bastard.