Witch Shrinks And Humiliates You
I zap you up into my house magically. You’re confused, but I explain you’re here because I’m a witch and I wanted to have a little chit-chat. See, earlier I was driving and you swerved in front of me in traffic. Needless to say, I was not amused. I decided that once I was done with my day, I would come home and do this. I freeze your hands and feet in place, but allow you to move your head to respond. I ask you if you’re sorry yet. You shake your head no! Ballsy, but not bright, are you? I tell you I know men of your type. You drive around in your cars and trucks acting all big because inside you’re feeling small. It’s overcompensation for emotional fagility. You shake your head no that it’s not it, but I know it’s true. So, I do the logical thing- I shrink you to humiliate and taunt you so you can be the little man you are! You’re helpless and small like Thumbelina. Now I’m in control of you. I can dress you up in little fairy wings and keep you as a pet. I plan on taking you on travels with me and allowing other witches humiliate you when I show you off. You’ll have all sorts of tiny Polly Pocket clothes and live in a small bird cage. I used to turn mortals like you into pets, but then I hated all the upkeep. This way, you’re self-sufficient cleaning up after yourself and it only takes one cheerio to feed you a meal. I solidify how small you are in comparison and all the tasks I can give you that would be so hard to accomplish in this small body. I could have you cleaning my floors, tubs, etc. It would take weeks to get even a small amount done. Now that I have you as the size you deserve to be, I’m off to get all the things I need to keep you locked up!
Spying Tiny Punished With Fatal Toilet Farts & Anal Vore
This extremely filthy unaware Giantess / shrinking fetish clip features filthy, disgusting, and stomach-churning toilet talk paired with an onslaught of revolting farts as Giantess scientist Selena makes you pay the ultimate price for tinkering with her shrinking serum experiment – your own anal demise! Are you prepared for the toilet terror that awaits? Can you stomach Selena’s bum crumbs? Can your tiny nostrils handle hurricane-like farts from her puckered log-cutter? There’s only one way to find out… The 15+ minute clip opens as you return from work to find your partner, Selena, hard at work in her laboratory. She’s working on a top-secret project and reluctantly agrees to tell you about it after you prod her a bit. She swears you to secrecy before telling you that she is working on a revolutionary new shrinking serum, and she believes she’s just cracked the code. Your conversation is interrupted as Selena unexpectedly rips a gnarly fart.. then another, and another. She excuses herself to the toilet and asks you to watch her experiment for a minute, instructing you not to touch anything. As she excuses herself, you get a devious idea. What if you took that shrinking serum and spied on her while she splatters the toilet bowl with her sloppy mess? You’d be so small she’d never even see you, right? You take the serum and it works immediately, shrinking you to the size of an ant (tiny POV). You hop down and scurry through the house, hastily making your way upstairs to find Selena struggling on the toilet. You hear her farts, echoing like a thunderstorm, rattling your tiny eardrums as you savor the pungent fragrance of her waste. She calls for you and tells you she’s going to be a while, unaware that you are right there in the bathroom with her, spying on her just below the toilet bowl. After a few minutes of voyeur creeping, she catches something out of the corner of her eye. Did something just move? No, it couldn’t be, could it? It is! You’re caught, and Selena is FURIOUS! Immediately, she flies into a rage, reaching down to pick you up between her fingers to dish out the disgusting toilet punishment you deserve! She promptly stuffs you in her ass (tiny figure used for the second half of the video), and dishes up some seriously depraved toilet talk along with some hot steamy farts. Her tone is cruel as she berates you for your betrayal. The camera comes in for an extreme close-up, giving you an incredible view of Selena’s perfect puckered log-cutter as her toilet talk punishment continues. In the end, her ass consumes you, ending your miserable little life, making you nothing more than just another little pebble of waste up her dirty asshole.