You’re having a word with one of your employees about their poor performance at work, and she’s worried you’re going to fire her. Maddy promises she can do better and reckons she could be of more use to you on your breaks when you’re feeling stressed by teasing you with her pussy while you wank your cock!
Imprisoned & Ingested
Courtney loves a good orgasm but hates all the attachments that come with men. Thankfully she’s found the perfect solution, Tiny Little Slaves! Courtney found a whole town of them and trapped them in a box. One by one she’s gone through using them for her own personal pleasure and today you are the lucky victim. Courtney teases you with her mouth and tells you if you do a good job worshipping her body, maybe you won’t end up like the rest. Courtney leads you on, letting you think your worshipping for your life but she knows how this will end, just like the rest. Courtney uses your Tiny body for her own pleasure, having you worship her tits, ass and pussy. Anytime Courtney feels your worship isn’t good enough she threatens to smash you with her huge ass or crush you under her massive feet. Surprisingly you do an amazing job making Courtney Cum multiple times, and she’s a little impressed. Unfortunately Courtney is always hungry after a huge orgasm and although you did a fantastic job there’s a 1000 tiny men to use and and consume and you won’t be escaping her stomach acids. Courtney teases you with her mouth, belly and ass, threatening to consuming you and chewing you up. As she does Courtney can feel you being digested, and plans to flush any evidence of your existence down the toilet.
Giantess Playing With My Tiny “mant”
men everywhere have all been hit with a shrinking virus and are now all very tiny! in fact, they’re now being used as pet "mants" to all the still giant women.
you’re my very own mant (POV) and i come into the room looking for you. when i find you; you are jerking off! i ask if mommy ever said you could cum!! she did not so it’s time to punish you. i roll you around in my fingers so you cum over and over until your tiny body is covered in your own cum.
now, i have to lick you clean and swirl you around in my mouth.
after that, i continue to make you cum, this time while you’re in the floor and i use my toes.
after you cum that way, i lick you off once more and ask if you want me to finger jerk you.
i do that next all while telling you of the journey of mants and mant stores where women can buy as many as they want! we even clone you so we have an endless supply of tiny sex toys.
instead of letting you cum this time, i squeeze your tiny penis in my fingers which hurts you.
then, i inject you with a special serum that makes you even SMALLER and tell you how you’ll spend the rest of the day taped to my nipple.