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thatgirlfromtiktok 04 08 2021.rar
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thatgirlfromtiktok 01-09-2020 45062604 Snapshot of my shoulder workout today… wish I couldБ─≥ve taken more pictures for you guys П÷╓∙ the gym was so pa.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 01-09-2020 45331238 ItБ─≥s back dayyyy, are back muscles sexy.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 01-10-2020 54703751 TodayБ─≥s squats П÷■╔П÷╔╟.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 01-11-2020 65314320 One of my fans caught me in the gym П÷╓╚П÷≤┬.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 02-11-2020 65525360 Looking forward to having killer abs П÷■╔.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 03-09-2020 45640590 Always important to stay nice and perky П÷╔╟ only benching 65lbs tho П÷≤┌.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 04-09-2020 46136824 50lb kettlebell squats always hit right П÷╔╣.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 05-06-2021 154089158 Getting back into my fitness so hereБ─≥s a clip of me squatting today П÷≤°.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 06-09-2020 46727652 Squatting 65lbs П÷▓╙П÷▐╪ After this I did 95lbs for 8 reps П÷≤┬ shorty about to have a phatty П÷█▒.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 06-11-2020 67061923 П÷╔╟.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 06-12-2020 78641902 Yesterday was leg day but I totally bitched out П÷≤┌ lol so I decided to throw in some squats today П÷≤█.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 07-09-2020 46936793 Back today… I need to get better at this machine but I know itБ─≥s going to make my back look amazing П÷≤°П÷╔╣.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 08-09-2020 47203978 Deadlifts anyone П÷▓╙П÷▐╪П÷█▒.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 08-10-2020 56802548 Back day П÷▒╩П÷╔╣ cant wait to be sore tomorrow… but could really use a massage П÷╔╨.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 09-01-2021 92674199 Cheers to new PRs П÷╓╓.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 09-10-2020 57319451 My fail doing 135… next time in the gym I know I can hit itП÷≤▄ but I definitely wore the wrong shoes for leg da.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 10-12-2020 80134392 Slow motion squats П÷≤╘.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 11-02-2021 107762043 My last filmed squats I hurt my back a little so I didnБ─≥t drop the weight down as far as I should have. I def.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 11-12-2020 80392553 Me benching the other day. Need to look П÷╔╣ in Miami this month. Are you ready for all the bikini pics.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 12-01-2021 23294349259 Exclusive preview to my VIP page since so many of you asked If you want to see me without the lingerie too .mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 14-02-2021 35684617918 Want to give me the best ValentineБ─≥s Day gift П÷╔╟ follow my Instagram and get me to 1k followers Б²╓О╦▐.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 15-09-2020 49194122 My fail in the gym today… had my headphones in with no music on… rookie mistake. The gym was packed and I coul.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 15-10-2020 59424659 Did all kinds of squats at the gym today… I think I need a photographer П÷╔╣.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 20-01-2021 97489834 My squats a few weeks ago in FL I posted this video on my tik tok and got so many hateful men saying I didnБ─≥t d.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 23-10-2020 61537958 Been doing all kinds of leg workouts to get that round dump truck ass П÷▒▐П÷▐╪П÷≤│.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 25-02-2021 114380891 I want to be your booty goals П÷≤°П÷■╔.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 25-11-2020 74149708 How hard do you think bench presses will be with a boob job П÷≤┌.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 26-11-2020 74583189 Unfortunately feeling really sick this thanksgiving ( IБ─≥m going to be answering messages tonight or tomorrowБ²ё.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 27-01-2021 100658166 Goal is 5 pull ups.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 27-08-2020 43913648 HowБ─≥s my form Leave a comment П÷▒┤П÷▐╪.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 28-08-2020 44152639 This lower back workout is П÷■╔П÷■╔ it makes me back dimples look so sexy.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 30-08-2020 44521967 Little clip from my chest workout today… my first set of chest presses, I like to start with just the bar. After.mp4
thatgirlfromtiktok 30-10-2020 64581816 More squats П÷≤┬ keep an eye out for the gains.mp4