Tuck Me In


Tuck Me In

Year: 1970
Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Erotic, Lesbian
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Original

Director: Michael Meola

Starring: Kim Pope, Frank Durk, Carolyn Kessler, Richard Howell, Michael Aronson, Laura Grant, Billy Longo, Robert Janvier, Robert Wayne, Heather McCann, Sandra Loane, Janet Banzet, Charlotte Livingston, Philip Edwards, Jorde Wolfe
Description: Softcore diva Kim Pope excels as the daughter of a famous movie star father who decides she wants to be in pictures. But while she climbs the showbiz ladder of success, Dad can’t keep his hands out of her best friend’s cookie jar and eventually marries her, making for a strange rivalry. In black and white with a psychedelic color sequence, this is a wild New York sleazefest!



File Size: ~750MB
Resolution: 680×456
Duration: 84 min
Format: mp4

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