Wham Bam Thank You Spaceman


Wham Bam Thank You Spaceman

Alternative Title:
Erotic Encounters of the Fourth Kind

Year: 1975
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi, Erotic
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Original

Director: William A. Levey
Studio: Boxoffice International Pictures (BIP)

Starring: Jay Rasumny, Samual Mann, John Ireland, Dyanne Thorne, Mendel Pincus, Robert George, Anne Gaybis, Marius Mazmanian, Maria Arnold, Bo Tackman, April Grant, Tallie Cochrane, Jerry Mills, Valda Hansen, Sandy Carey
Description: Because their planet will be destroyed in 500 years, two goofy-looking aliens land on Earth and commence Operation Procreation with a stroll down Hollywood Boulevard. Liking what they see, the two extraterrestrials then do what extraterrestrials do best- abduct Earth Women for some quick, cheap flying saucer sex! Among the oddball side effects: the women are returned to Earth transformed into sexual dynamos, and, nine months later, a baby alien is born



File Size: ~750MB
Resolution: 640×480
Duration: 79 min
Format: mp4

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